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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Weekend  CBS  November 2, 2013 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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good morning. up next on eyewitness news. >> good morning. frightening images at l.a.x. where a tsa agent is shot and
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killed and a suspect is in custody. i'm kai jackson. i'll show you the dramatic pictures coming up. >> and final farewell, family and friends of a firefighter killed in a murder suicide prepare to say their final good- byes today. details on the service being held for andrew hoffman. >> and the ravens get ready for a road trip to cleveland to battle the browns. i'm mark viviano. we'll look ahead to the game coming up. >> taking a live look outside, a mild morning weather-wise in our area. will we see the sun today or more rain. meteorologist tim williams has the answer in his first warning weather forecast. eyewitness news weekend edition is seconds away. this is wjz tv, baltimore. >> from the city to the counties to your neighborhood, now it's complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news station. >> good morning and welcome to
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eyewitness news this saturday. i'm gigi barnett. >> and i'm tim williams. temperatures are ranging from about 40 to 60 across the area depending on where you are. >> that's a large stretch. >> yeah, it is. it's a comfortable start, very calm, no wind out there. certainly not the rain we had yesterday morning about this time. that swept through the area. as you take a look outside right now, the horizon is bright. that's the order of the day. it's going to be a very nice day overall. very fall-like. temperatures on the mild side. our normal high around 64 degrees. it's 62 degrees now and we'll be in the mid to upper 60s for the day. with the rain that came through yesterday is sitting offshore and there's a disturbance around the great lakes that's going to sweep through. because of the kind of the sandwich between the two, there will be enough moisture in the area that we could see a fleeting shower in some spots this afternoon. guaranteed most of you will not see that rain. 45 now in oakland. 43 in cumberland, 53 at bwi marshall. 63 down on the shore.
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our forecasted to goes up to 68 degrees, partly sunny with a shower this afternoon in spots, and it will be widely scattered. we'll have your complete first warning forecast coming up in just a few moments. >> thanks tim. first here's a look at the stories we're talking about this morning. a man with an assault rifle opens fire at airport security in los angeles shooting three agents before he's captured by police. a note in his bag said kill tsa. wjz has complete coverage of the shooting. kai jackson shows us dramatic images from the airport as passengers ran for cover. let's go to edward lawrence with the latest for wjz from los angeles. >> investigators worked through the night at l.a.x.'s terminal 3 processing the crime scene. police say 23-year-old paul ciancia walked into the terminal, pulled out a crime began rifle and began shooting. >> i just saw the gun, and i was just terrified like
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everybody else was and we're all just on the ground. >> 39-year-old tsa officer gerardo hernandez was killed. federal agents brought food to the hernandez family's home. neighbors say they were shocked. >> my heart goes out to them. i pray the lord will give them peace and strength. >> the head of the tsa will arrive today. he'll meet with hernandez's family as well as two of the other agents wounded in the shooting. >> ciancia appeared to have a grudge against the security agency. in a note found in the 23-year- old's bag he called himself aed off patriot and said he believed his constitutional rights were being violated by tsa searches. ciancia's father told police about a suicidal text message from his son. >> the text message was a message to the little brother and the way it was written he had some concern about it. >> ciancia's former los angeles roommates say they never suspected he was capable of such violence. edward license wjz eyewitness news. >> kai jackson continues our complete coverage with more on
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the panic travelers experienced. >> the rapid paced l.a.x. airport comes it a grinding halt after a gunman opens fire. people were hiding in bathroom stalls. others were evacuated. >> it was probably the worst experience i've ever been in in my life. it was the most terrifying. you always kind of imagine what would you do. you hear about these horrible incidents and you've got to kind of and yourself what would i do in a situation like that, and the only thing i could do is just like keep my eyes down the hallway to make sure he wasn't coming down and keep calm. >> police moved through the terminal with guns drawn. at the same time a triage unit was set up for the wounded. many were wheeled outside to waiting ambulances. >> people were running and people getting knocked down and there was luggage everywhere and mayhem is the best way of describing it. >> some people who had just cleared security rushed on to the tarmac. others were stuck in restaurants and bathrooms. some travelers walked away from
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the airport on foot to get away. >> the lockdown affected flights across the country. some were diverted to other airports. some weren't allowed to take off at all. i'm kai jackson reporting back to you. >> thank you kai. stay with wjz for the latest on the shooting at l.a.x. for instant updates anytime log on to a baltimore city firefighter who was fatally shot in an apparent murder suicide will be laid to rest today. a funeral for andrew hoffman is scheduled for 10:30 this morning at the cathedral of mary our queen. hoffman and his girlfriend marie hartman were shot and killed sunday morning by hartman's ex-boyfriend christopher robinson who was a baltimore city police officer. after killing hartman and hoffman he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide. the fire department plans to play a part in the funeral. a former baltimore county teach is facing sexual abuse charges for allegedly harming children at the church where he
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was a youth leader. 49-year-old raymond fernandez is behind bars this morning. police say he abused two teens back in 1997. the victims also told police that they were molested while fernandez was a youth leader at greater grace church, and they say they were abused at church events and in their homes. police say there may be more victims here. city police are marking a significant arrest. officers made their 1,000 gun arrest. they spotted an armed suspect and a chase began. the suspect was caught and the weapon recovered. the department says so far this year more than 1800 illegal guns have been seized from city streets. turning now to sports, you had say the ravens have the browns outnumbered. theythey've beaten cleveland eleven straight times. an injury to a starting offensive lineman and
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cleveland's improved play will make getting no. 12 hard. >> there have been concerns all season long about the ravens offensive line. kelechi osemele needs back surgery. aq shipley steps in as the starter. it's the latest shakeup to the team in need of a win as they start to get into playoff contention. >> the ravens go to cleveland carrying a two-game losing streak and some concerns about how they've been playing on offense. they've had extra time to address those concerns during the bye week and they begin to put those improvements to the test against the browns. >> we've got a long ways to go. we haven't been operating the way we want to, but we're heading in the right direction. i think we're starting to create an identity and go after something, you know, just excited about doing that. >> joe flacco has never lost to the cleveland browns. the ravens are going to face a brown team that has jason campbell as their starting qb. he's the brown's third different starter at qb this
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season. back to you. >> thank you mark. the ravens will be heading to cleveland for a 4:15 game tomorrow afternoon, and remember you can see it live right here on wjz 13. and speaking of the ravens, congratulations are in order for one of the players, kicker justin tucker is engaged. he proposed to long time girlfriend amanda bass last night. tucker posted these photos to his instagram account showing the proposal with the inner harbor in the background. so we congratulate justin tucker and his new fiancee. very nice pictures. >> yeah. >> candles all around. >> gorgeous, yeah. >> that took some doing. >> yes, it did. >> he gave that some thought. >> wow. okay. very nice. he had a beautiful night to do it. it felt like spring yesterday, you know, the rain came through and added a little humidity to the air. we got up to 70 degrees. it felt like april. >> i've got to tell you too. as a result many of my
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neighbors have their windows open. if you walk down the street, you can hear beep, beep, it's the alarm. >> oh, really? >> yes, the batteries in the alarms they have not changed them. i'm here to say this morning, change them. >> this is the night to do it. >> this is the night to do it. >> we fall back to standard time. you get to set your clocks back and change the batteries. >> change the batteries in your smoke detectors. >> gigi's neighbors listen up. she's fussing, you know. it is definitely the night to do it. you get the extra hour to do whatever you want to do, whether you want to go out and party, whether you want to just sleep. whether you want to watch a movie and have an extra hour to, you know, do whatever you want to do. it doesn't matter. 50 degrees right now is where we start. we'll be down in this range tonight. it could be a comfortable night to do whatever you want to do. today is going to be a very nice fall day and a slight chance of a sprinkle will not
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dampen your plans. most of us will not see that. it is in our forecast for today. we have calm winds around the area. temperatures are ranging from 41 to 45 from cumberland over to oakland. we're in the 50s down to 95 corridor. 51 in elkton, 50 at bwi thurgood marshall. that's a drop since last hour. 53 on the shore. the immediate metro area the range is in that low to mid-50 range. 54 is the number in rock hall, kent island and annapolis this morning. right now the wind are calm around much of the state, just a bit of a variable direction where they are blowing. a southeast wind in hagerstown, due west in oakland and a northwest wind towards patuxent river, same direction in ocean city, and we're going to be seeing our temperatures a little warmer than our neighbor's for the most part today. we're at 50, boston at a a 2. the eastern seaboard is in that 50s range. cooler temperatures towards detroit and chicago and kansas city. that's the air moving in our
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general direction. the front that brought us rain yesterday is well offshore pushing to the south and the east. we have a bit of a low pressure system around the great lakes and the little bit of a trough, the little dip this the jet stream that's associated with that is going to be responsible with a slight chance of showers this afternoon. as you see, most of the area is dry. there's some clouds out there, and that's what we'll see today. partly sunny today, and this system moves right on there. kind of swings on by. does not have a lot of moisture with it. we cannot rule out a chance of a shower. the the cooler air settles in behind it. we drop out of this 60 and 70- degree range we're in today. we go down into the 50s tomorrow and then into monday and tuesday, and then the next high pressure system moves in and we're back into the 60s heading into wednesday, thursday, and friday. our sunset today is at 5:03. all of our times will be adjusted by one hour after we get through tomorrow. again, as gigi has already reminded us, set our clocks back one hour before you go to
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sleep. today up to 68 degrees, partly sunny with a shower this afternoon. temperatures overnight go down to just around 44 degrees, partly cloudy, the normal is 40, so we'll be on the mild side. 50 for tomorrow, cooler today, and a bit breezy for your sunday. then 48 on monday, 57 on tuesday, back up to 68 on wednesday and thursday with a better chance of rain on thursday and friday. >> all right. there's much more to come on eyewitness news saturday morning including a halloween suit catches fire. what happened to the man wearing it, and the frantic efforts to save his life. the details are coming up. >> it is a wedding they'll never forget. the unique place one couple decided to tie the knot. store have youthe story is coming up. >> first here's a look at yesterday's winning lottery numbers. good luck. we're back in just a moment ,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news on this saturday morning. first saturday of november. it is the second day of the month, taking a look out at the harbor area, under armour all lit up. it's a bright horizon if you look just past there and start to see the sky. it's a nice day shaping up.
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temperatures in the 50-degree range across most of the area. 64 in ocean city. 43 out towards oakland and we're at 50 at bwi thurgood marshall. this is the night we go back to standard time. standard time resumes at 2 a.m. tomorrow morning, so before you go to bed tonight, set your clock back. we fall back one hour, an extra hour to get a little rest that you probably lost maybe around halloween or so. we're looking at a day today that goes up to 68 degrees. partly sunny with a shower this afternoon, fleeting shower. most of us will not see that. overnight lows down to just around 44 degrees. partly cloudy and then for tomorrow, 54, partly sunny, breezy, and cooler. your five day first warning forecast is coming up. >> thanks tim. but first back to some of the other top headlines of the weekend. a frightening scene at a popular halloween carnival in west hollywood. this cell phone video shows a man in the streets whose costume caught fire. you can see him going into that crowd and ending up on the
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ground. it's not clear if the crowd knew what was going on, but a group of people were able to put out the flames. medics rushed the man to the hospital, but his condition is not known right now. that halloween carnival is popular. half a million people attend every year. the leader of the pakistani taliban is reportedly dead this morning following a u.s. drone strike. pakistani intelligence officials say hakimula mas,sud was killed in northwest pakistan. he claimed speedometer for responsibility for the failed time square bombing in 2010 and was dieted for indicted for the 2009 suicide bombing of that killed seven americans. the u.s. government had a $5 million bounty on his head. in arizona a couple's wedding is anything but traditional. take a look. . >> thank you for always being
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by my side on the merry go round of life. >> i now pronounce you husband and wife. >> rachel and jake risinger said i do at the arizona state fair. the wedding itself was a one of a kind event. the flower girls carried popcorn instead of rose petals and the bride carried abu cane kay made out of old book pages. her fairy tale wedding came to life and she couldn't be happier. after collecting all that candy on hall halloween it's time to work it off. if you're looking to get exercise and help foster children there's an event you need to check out. the fourth annual kids piece trick or trot 5k. >> wjz is live at camden yards. there's where we find gina, a volunteer coordinator with kid's piece. good morning gina. >> good morning tim. >> tell us about kids peace. what is it exactly? >> kids peace is a national charity that is 130 years old.
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we provide help to kids that are in crisis, and here in maryland we provide therapeutic foster care for over 4,000 -- well, there are 4,000 children in foster care within the state, and we help some of those children. >> okay. all right. so but you've got some special help this year. >> we do. >> down at camden yards. tell us about it. >> we are having our fourth annual trick or trot and the event is presented by one main financial, and our hosts are angela and buck showalter who have been bond the wonderful for kids peace as well as the baltimore orioles and they've opened literally their home to us. we are here today. registration has begun. it goes until 8:00 and our race begins at 8 a.m. >> okay. all right. >> and gina, tell us, you said people -- you talked about the time. how can people get involved and do they just come down and sign up? come on down, absolutely.
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we have a 5k of course, and also have a 1 mile walk. if you're nearby, pop on over. you can register on spot here, actually behind the camera and join, and then after our race we're going to be inside the stadium because all the folks are finishing on the field, and we're having a post party after that of trick or treating, face painting, food, fun for the whole family truly. >> all right. trick or trot and work off all that candy calorie right? >> yes, and join the show walt walters, they're happy to greet everyone. >> is there a web site for folks if they want to donate after the event. >> if they would visit they could donate and find out more information about becoming a foster parent as well. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. we'll check back in about 20 minutes or so, we'll update folks on the event. >> wonderful. thank you so much. >> all right.
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so fun to meet the showalters. they are good people. >> coming up next on eyewitness news sat saturday morning. >> there's a new way to fight alcohol abuse on college campuses. i'm line lynn and linh bui and i'm line lynn and linh bui and coming up on wjz, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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68 degrees today, 54 tomorrow, a chance of a shower this afternoon, but widely
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scattered. 48 on monday, 57. as we start to get to thursday, temperatures go back up to near 70 degrees with a chance of rain by thursday. it's a problem at college campuses across the country. alcohol abuse, but maryland colleges are now coming together to fight excessive drinking. >> linh bui explains the idea is colleges can accomplish more when they work together. >> it's common on almost every campus. >> people drink in college. >> take a load off, and you know, have a few beers or a few drinks. >> excessive drinking is a major problem. in maryland one in five college students show signs of alcohol abuse. >> you will always -- like any university. >> now there's a new initiative called the maryland collaborative to reduce college drinking and related problems bringing several universities together. >> alcohol has gotten to be too much of a part of the college experience when we're seeing 1800 deaths a year, 600,000 unintentional injuries, close
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to 100,000 rapes and sexual assaults. >> a report released on college drinking in the state. >> most maryland universities have alcohol education programs and basic training but this collaborative takes it a step further. >> schools will develop multilevel interventions, targeting students, parents and the surrounding area. >> colleges don't exist in bubbles. they're right next to communities. we've got to work with the communities to reduce the level of risk from alcohol use. >> the collaborative will provide public health expertise and help them assess which strategies will work. >> we will not make that go away, but we can help empower them to do it a little smarter. >> linh bui wjz eyewitness news. >> the university system of maryland and johns hopkins university host the collaborative. >> nearly a dozen other colleges participate. >> all right. still ahead on eyewitness news saturday morning.
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>> on the floor now! >> tsa agents targeted a gunman shoots three security screeners at l.a.x. killing one of them. the chaos for travelers and what we're learning about the suspect. >> growing frustrations with washington. good morning i'm meghan mccorkell with more on the changes people want to see ,,,,,
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complete coverage continues
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with gigi barnett and meteorologist tim williams. it's wjz, maryland's news station. >> welcome back to eyewitness news weekend edition. i'm gigi barnett. >> and i'm tim williams. temperatures just around 50 degrees as we click over to 7:30. it is the second day of the month, the first full weekend of november. hard to believe november's here. >> yeah. >> but it definitely feels comfortable for november. i mean november can come in with all kinds of weather. you can see snow this time of november if you -- in this state, but right now we're looking at a calm start to the day. a good bit of sunshine. the horizon is bright. there are some clouds out there, but we're not seeing too much by any way of rain. we had rain move through yesterday, and that's sitting just offshore. a front that was associated with the rain about this time yesterday morning has pushed it well to the south and east. we do have a chance for some showers this afternoon but temperatures will be comfortably in the 50s and 60s. we're at 50 degrees at bwi, 63
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in ocean city, 62 in elkton and the 40s out towards cumberland and even that is just a little bit above the normal overnight low, and that's where we're sitting right now in the overnight lows. temperatures around 68 degrees. showers this afternoon widely scattered. most of us will not see them. overnight lows in the 40s. your complete first warning forecast is coming up. now here's a look at the stories we're keeping an eye on this morning. police and fbi are looking into the background of the suspect who they believe opened fire in the los angeles airport killing a tsa officer and wounding two others. edward lawrence has the latest for wjz from los angeles. >> investigators worked through the night at l.a.x.'s terminal 3 processing the crime scene. police say 23-year-old paul ciancia walked into the terminal, pulled out a semiautomatic rifle and began shooting. >> on the floor, on the floor
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now! i just saw the gun i was terrified. >> gerardo hernandez was killed. federal agents brought food to the family's home and neighbors say they're shocked. >> my heart goes out to them, and i pray that the lord would give them peace and strength to go through this. >> the head of the tsa will arrive here later on today. he'll meet with hernandez's family as well as two of the other agents wounded in the shooting. >> ciancia appeared to have a grudge against the security agency. in a note found in the 23-year- old's bag he called himself aed off patriot, and said constitutional rights were being violate. his father in new jersey told local police about a suicidal text message from his son. >> the text message was a message to the little brother and the way it was written they had some concern about it, and that's when they brought it to our attention. >> ciancia's former los angeles roommate said they never suspected he was capable of such violence.
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>> stay with wjz for the latest on the l.a.x. shooting. for instant updates anytime, log on to an investigation continues this morning into a serious crash in baltimore county. sky eye chopper 13 over the scene in the 800 block of eastern boulevard in essex. firefighters say several people were injured here. police are still trying to figure out what caused the wreck. this morning we're getting a better idea of the major failures of the affordable health care act web site in the first 48 hours of the site's launch, just 248 people successfully signed up for insurance. that's according to a report turned over to a congressional committee. the health care debacle is part of what's driving the growing frustration with politicians. a slew of new polls show approval of congress at record lows. meghan mccorkell has been talking with marylanders who are losing their patience. >> good morning. people that spoke with wjz say
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they are worried about a lack of leadership in washington. >> back and forth bickering on capitol hill. >> we're through playing these little games. >> this is why people don't like washington. >> frustrations are building. >> i don't think any of them get along. >> that discord hit home during the 10-day government shutdown. >> by not keeping the government working, they just hurt themselves and shot themselves in the foot. >> glitches with obamacare also causing tempers to flare. >> you've got congress regulating programs that they're not subject to. >> and the blame game continues. >> this is not the way toran government. >> the american people are worried about their job. >> members of congress should be worried too. a cbs news polishes just poll shows just a 9% job approval rating. >> that's the highest disapproval rating we've had since 1977. >> while previous polls have
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been low, this is different. >> what people have typically said in the past, however, is that although they hate congress as a group they really like their own member of congress. this time even their own members are taking a hit. >> some say they hope the frustrations lead to action on the part of the american people. >> i hope that average citizens become more aware of what it means for them to vote. >> a vote that could mean change in washington. >> the president's approval ratings are also at an all time low. meghan mccorkell wjz eyewitness news. >> and according to the cbs news poll a majority of americans say they don't feel they have much of a say in what the government is doing. plans to redevelop harbor point downtown baltimore may have hit a snag. according to the baltimore sun, federal and state regulators want developers to do more testing on the fox imchemicals in the ground at the former chromium plant. a public meeting is set for
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november 14th. it's not clear how long the project will be delayed. you could say the ravens have the browns outnumbered. they have beaten cleveland eleven straight times. as sports director mark viviano reports an injury to a starting offensive lineman for the ravens and cleveland's improved play will make getting no. 12 a lot harder. >> good morning. there have been concerns all season long about the ravens offensive line. now starting left guard coo let chi osemele needs back surgery. ak shipley steps in as the starter. it's the latest shakeup to the team in need of a win as they night to get into playoff contention. . >> the ravens go to cleveland carrying a two-game losing streak and with that some concerns about how they've been playing on offense. >> they've had extra time to address those concerns during the bye week and they begin to put those improvements to the test against the browns. >> we got a long ways to go. i mean, we haven't been operating the way we want to, but we're heading in the right direction.
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i think we're starting to create an identity and go after something, you know, just excited about doing that. >> joe flacco has never lost to the cleveland browns. the rapes are going to face -- ravens are going to face a browns team that has jason campbell as their starting qb. back to you. thanks mark. the ravens will be heading to cleveland for a 4:15 game tomorrow afternoon and remember, you can see it live right here on wjz 13. the season may be underway but you can still sign up for the 2013 pro football challenge. to compete just go to and click on the link at the top of the home page. you must be 18 years of age to play. our contest runs through the regular football season. it's just one entry per person and you're competing with people nationally for prizes. go to and sign up now. driving home yesterday off of the hill. >> mm-hmm. >> felt like it was fall. >> yeah. >> like it's time to fall back.
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>> it's time to fall back. the colors finally starting to change, really. >> beautiful, really vibrant. >> yeah. i think the cold snap helped to kind of jump start them. i think the trees were a little confused for a point. now it's really bright. this weekend a good time to drive out and take a look at the colors. and definitely we want to remind you to set your clocks back. that's what we've been reminding you of all morning long. tonight we go back to standard time. set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed and 2 a.m. tomorrow morning is when we resume to standard time. clocks fall back. as gigi reminds you. what was that? >> please change the batteries in your smoke detectors. >> thank you very much. change your batteries. today's a good day to be out and around, tonight as well. 50 degrees right now our temperature. our normal highs and lows. 62 our high, 40 degrees our low. that gives you an idea of where we're falling now. we didn't get down much lower last night than about 50
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degrees. there you have it. 48 right now the dew point, 92 percent relative humidity. 29.69 the barometer. around the state, 42 in cumberland. 51 in elkton, 53 on the shore. the range from about 50 in columbia to 51 in westminster and bel air. 54 in rock hall, kent island. winds are calm around much of the state, variable directions. we have a bit of a northerly flow from ocean city back towards d. c. and then a bit of a south flow out towards hagerstown. a west wind out towards oakland. again, just a light breeze there. the eastern seaboard is warmer than our neighbors to our north and west. the air that's settling in over the region is going to come from that direction. even the next little disturbance that could bring us a chance of a shower or so is up around the great lakes. you see these 50s up and down the coast and then you get back towards the midwest. you're seeing the 40s and 30s. the front that brought us the rain yesterday morning has
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pushed well off to the coast. it's pushing that rain to the east and south. disturbance around the great lakes and the rain associated with that is kind of drifting into the area. we cannot rule out a fleeting shower. you see these are very -- this is a moisture star system. it could bring a sprinkle or two by mid afternoon. after that front moves on through here. cooler air settles in for the next few days. today in the mid to upper 60s. tomorrow will be in the 50s. we'll drop into the 40s on monday. high pressure builds in and we'll start to see the temperatures going back up by the middle of the week. another chance of rain, substantial rain is on thursday. sunset today at 5:03. there's a small craft advisory from this afternoon to tomorrow afternoon because of that front coming through, the same one responsible for the potential sprinkles this afternoon. partly sunny with that shower potential around and again, it's just going to be widely scattered. most of us will not see it. 44 degrees tonight, 50 for tomorrow. cooler than today. breezy but partly sunny. then 48 on monday.
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57, back up to 68 on wednesday and thursday with that chance of rain on thursday. >> and still to come on eyewitness news weekend edition. >> he was just a happy, go lucky kid. >> a house fire leaves a toddler dead. did police stop the child's father from possibly saving him? we'll answer that question when we come back. >> pounds of pumpkins, smashed to pieces. we say that with a smile. where the great pumpkin drop is take place. >> plus runners and walkers are starting to gather for the kids peace trick or trot 5k, how you can join buck showalter and his wife angela to help support a great cause for foster children. all this and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it's partly cloudy and 50 degrees in central maryland right now. the complete first warning weather forecast is straight ahead. but first new details this morning about the death of a toddler killed in a missouri house fire. family members now say the boy's father tried to get back into that house to save his 3- year-old son, but police stopped him. they say officers tased the
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boy's father several times and put him in handcuffs. this morning the child's aunt is angry over the way police handled the situation. >> it's just heartless. how could you be so -- how could they be so heartless, and while they all just stood around and waited for the fire department. what kind of police officer wouldn't try to save a 3-year- old burning in a house. >> there is some evidence that the fire originated in an electrical outlet in the parents' room. the cause of the fire is still a mystery. >> so what does one pumpkin farmer in colorado do with the oversized gourds he grows. we can tell you he does not make pumpkin pie. look at this. >> gary grandy likes to drop pumpkins from several feet, from many feet up in the air and watch them smash when they hit the ground. pumpkins big and small are
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tugged, pulled and released. it's hard for spectators to contain their excitement. he says pumpkin growing is a hobby for him and he likes to grow legends and watch them smash once the season is done. >> i love the camera hovering over the pumpkin before it goes down. get to see it from all different angles. >> like you said there's pumpkin chunking. >> pumpkin smashing. elephant pumpkin. >> we just like to see pumpkins smashed. this mornings hundreds of run scores walkers will hit the street -- runners and walkers will hit the streets to raise money for a local charity. they're going to work off all that halloween candy collected a couple of days ago. we're going to the fourth annual kids peace trick or trot 5k. >> we're joined by skipper buck show walter and his wife angela. they partnered with kids peace for the event. good morning how are you is this. >> good morning. you guys get up this early all
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week long. >> i'm telling you. >> that's right. >> great day for it, good weather and volunteers got a great turnout. i think nick's going to be here, markakis. i don't know if he's going to run or not. how are you all doing? >> we're good. you said this year you really want today get involved in this. why? >> well, as most things start out it was very dear to my wife's heart and we wanted to pick something when we came here. she did a lot of research. there are a lot of great causes but she felt like and we felt like this is something we could sink our teeth in and make an impact. baltimore's been so great to us. every little thing you can do. you know, it's a great venue and it's also, you know an opening to impact some young people's lives and it's very dear to us. >> you don't get to spend too much time on that side of camden yards. your work is never done. the season's just over and you're already involved in the community stuff. what is your life like after
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the season? >> well, the craziest word or expression is off season. there is none. this is the first time i've been up here. this is pretty cool. they've done a great job with the presentation. and i haven't made it around for all nine i think so of a few games. the off season is very busy especially starting on monday when the free agents and everything get going. this is a great way to kick off the off season with this break today. >> you're going to meet a lot of volunteers out there, and people really working for this agency and this cause. what's the -- the message for you is what? >> well, you know, i like when i get something a lot of people -- i don't think a lot of people get baltimore. it's such a pure hearted place and sincere, blue collar. people have a lot of sin sincerity about their community and it's real easy to fit in. being able to impact young kids lives, what happens to them
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after three, four, five, six, seven ten years old. this cause tries to impact their life. and one financial has been great supporting us through all this this year, and it's an ongoing process. you know, they turn 18 it helps them get into society in a more meaningful way, and it's special. and it's fun to be a part of it. it's an honor. >> got you. i know it's about to start in a few minutes. we're going to let you go. thank you so -- >> it's great talking with you. >> it's fun. great weather huh? >> how are you the ravens going to do tomorrow? >> let's hope they do pretty well. your team did well. let's hope this one follows suit. >> all right. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thanks guys. >> thank you. >> that is buck showalter joining us this morning. great to see him when he's not in uniform and working. >> and on the other side. >> still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning. rick wilson with the maryland zoo is in the studio to talk about how the zoo can come to
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you. bring this guy along right tim? bring this guy along right tim? >> you sound ,,,,
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>> some of us have an aversion to shakes, some of us love them. one guy who does. >> rick wilson from the zoo in baltimore, he's here with panther, the black snake. these are very common in this area. we've seen them even here on tv hill. >> you can find black rat snakes along the east coast and central united states. they also range in size from about 3 to 5 feet with a maximum of up to 9 feet, which could make them one of the
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longest snakes in north america. >> these are the good guys. you want a guy like panther in your backyard. >> absolutely. you can find them anywhere in stable areas, woodland areas, they will actually control your rodent populations. they're naturally nonaggressive so when you see them if it's not in your house or garage or something like that, it's best just to leave them alone and they will control the resident populations of rodents. >> and they don't bite. they kind of grab and squeeze. >> i was telling gigi earlier. >> they just bam, wrap and grab. >> talk about the events going on. we have a lot going on this season coming in for the holidays. >> we are coming into our holiday season, and it is time to start booking for events. our zoo mobile program we start booking now. it's good to go online and check that out. we have one of the finest traveling collections on the east coast. we travel throughout the state of maryland and even sometimes
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beyond that bringing entertaining, education or interactive programs. we also do tables, community events as well. and we will do things not only in school based programs, community based, senior centered, library, scouts groups. the list goes on. >> and you bring panther with you. >> panther is one of them. a lot of the animals you see are animals you may not see on exhibit at the zoo as well. >> and hard to believe you're already starting to talk about santa events and things like that. >> absolutely. our breakfast with the santa is coming up. the last time i checked it was 50 to 60% sold out. now is the time to go online and book it. i've noticed in the last few events with santa, it's not just the parents and their children, but i'm beginning to see a lot of families because a lot of times families we're so spread out now but it's a great way of getting together the
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entire family, the grandparents, the aunts, the uncles. >> a tradition. >> come and have breakfast together and see santa. >> when we come back, more on panther. we're back in just a momen,,,,,,
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want to go to the web site where do we go. >> >> i'm tim. >> i'm tim. and then when you get up -- can i play?
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